Friday, September 17, 2010

Cadence File Locking Problems

This page describes fixes to file locking problems in Cadence.

Common File Locking Errors:

When cadence is not exited properly, there might be file lock problem when
you restart icfb. The error messages might look like this:

>*WARNING* Couldn't get a write lock for
> (clscompatd): Requested lock conflicts with active lock
>*WARNING* XXopen: failed to lock file
>in A_MODE mode - is currently not locked.

How to Fix the File Lock:

What can be done to remove file lock:

  1. Use clsAdminTool to release active locks. type "clsAdminTool" to start,
    then type "help" and follow the instructions.
  2. This can also be done manually by deleting all .cdslck files under your
    locked-file directories.
  3. After 1 or 2, sometimes icfb still complains about file lock. try exit
    cadence and kill all cadence processes, then restart icfb.
  4. If after 1, 2 and 3, you still have the same file lock problem, it
    could be a proxy lock (the warning message looks all the same). contact
    system administrator to restart file-locking daemon (cdsd).

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