Saturday, September 18, 2010

Set PDF print for Cadence IC5141 in Ubuntu 9.10

Add this to the .cdsplotinit:

:spool=lpr -PPDF: \
:query=lpq -PPDF: \
:remove=lprm -PPDF $3: \
:manufacturer=Generic CUPS-PDF Printer: \
:type=postscript2: \
:resolution#600: \
:maximumPages#50: \
:paperSize="A4" 4758 6846 90 90: \
:paperSize="A3" 6846 9720 90 90:
:paperSize="A" 4800 6300 150 200:
:paperSize="A" 4902 6402 99 99: \
:paperSize="B" 6402 10002 99 99:

Friday, September 17, 2010

分贝表示的放大倍数 ----- 增益

分贝就是放大器增益的单位 --- dB ,放大器输出与输入的比值为放大倍数,单位是“倍”,如10倍放大器,100倍放大器。当改用“分贝”做单位时,放大倍数就称之为增益,这是一个概念的两种称呼。

dB 的两个定义方式:

电压(电流)放大倍数分贝数定义:K=20lg( V0 / Vi ),其中K为放大倍数的分贝数,Vo为放大信号输出,Vi为信号输入;

功率放大倍数分贝数定义:K=10lg( P0 / Pi ),其中K为放大倍数的分贝数,Po为放大信号输出,Pi为信号输入;





用分贝表示正好下降了3dB( 根据电压幅度计算: 20log(0.707)=-3dB
根据功率计算: 10log(0.5)=-3dB ),对应的频率称为上截止频率,又常称为-3dB带宽。





Cadence File Locking Problems

This page describes fixes to file locking problems in Cadence.

Common File Locking Errors:

When cadence is not exited properly, there might be file lock problem when
you restart icfb. The error messages might look like this:

>*WARNING* Couldn't get a write lock for
> (clscompatd): Requested lock conflicts with active lock
>*WARNING* XXopen: failed to lock file
>in A_MODE mode - is currently not locked.

How to Fix the File Lock:

What can be done to remove file lock:

  1. Use clsAdminTool to release active locks. type "clsAdminTool" to start,
    then type "help" and follow the instructions.
  2. This can also be done manually by deleting all .cdslck files under your
    locked-file directories.
  3. After 1 or 2, sometimes icfb still complains about file lock. try exit
    cadence and kill all cadence processes, then restart icfb.
  4. If after 1, 2 and 3, you still have the same file lock problem, it
    could be a proxy lock (the warning message looks all the same). contact
    system administrator to restart file-locking daemon (cdsd).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Using IPW3945 instead IWL3945 for Intel wireless 3945 in hardy

while i’m using my dell d620 with an intel wireless 3945 card i have the following problems with hardy and the new iwl3945:

-throughput is limited 110kb/s rx
-the wireless lan is very unstable
-sometimes the system freezes while scanning for networks

i tried some things to workaround:

- installed the ubuntu-backports (so the driver 1.2.25 is install) = ok the wlan led works again
- add the file /etc/modprobe.d/iwl3945 (alias wlan0 iwl3945
options iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=1)
- to config the card i used wicd ( of the builtin network-admin

now i decided to backport to the old ipw3945 driver which has do everything fine in gutsy…

1. sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist

added the lines
# blacklist new iwl3945
blacklist iwl3945
blacklist mac8021

so the new iwl3945 won’t load at system startup

2. Reboot

3. Download ipw3945 microcode ( and copy it into /lib/firmware/2.6.24-17-generic/

4. Download ipw3945 regulatory daemon from here and copy it into /sbin/
(copy the file within folder x86 to /sbin/ too)

5. get the patch from here thanks

6. get the ipw driver

7. patch -p1 <> (target file = ipw3945.h)

8. make

9. sudo make install

10. sudo chmod 777 /sbin/ipw*

11. add a file /etc/modprobe.d/ipw3945
add lines:
install ipw3945 /sbin/modprobe -i ipw3945 ; sleep 0.5 ; /sbin/ipw3945d –quiet
remove ipw3945 /sbin/ipw3945d --kill ; /sbin/modprobe -r -i ipw3945

12. sudo modprobe ipw3945

13. reboot


1、准备好无线网卡的Windows驱动程序,我是用for Windows XP的。

或到 下载ndisgtk、ndiswrapper-common和ndiswrapper-utils这三个.deb文件。然后按如下顺序安装这三个软件包:先装ndiswrapper-common,再装ndiswrapper-utils,最后装ndisgtk。






本文地址: 来自:UbuntuABC

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Add PPA Key To Your Apt Keyring

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Resolving Emacs "murrine_style_draw_box: assertion `height >= -1'"

Modify the entry in /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc from GtkRange::trough-under-steppers = 0 to GtkRange::trough-under-steppers = 1.

Original Article: