Saturday, September 18, 2010
Set PDF print for Cadence IC5141 in Ubuntu 9.10
:spool=lpr -PPDF: \
:query=lpq -PPDF: \
:remove=lprm -PPDF $3: \
:manufacturer=Generic CUPS-PDF Printer: \
:type=postscript2: \
:resolution#600: \
:maximumPages#50: \
:paperSize="A4" 4758 6846 90 90: \
:paperSize="A3" 6846 9720 90 90:
:paperSize="A" 4800 6300 150 200:
:paperSize="A" 4902 6402 99 99: \
:paperSize="B" 6402 10002 99 99:
Friday, September 17, 2010
分贝表示的放大倍数 ----- 增益
dB 的两个定义方式:
电压(电流)放大倍数分贝数定义:K=20lg( V0 / Vi ),其中K为放大倍数的分贝数,Vo为放大信号输出,Vi为信号输入;
功率放大倍数分贝数定义:K=10lg( P0 / Pi ),其中K为放大倍数的分贝数,Po为放大信号输出,Pi为信号输入;
用分贝表示正好下降了3dB( 根据电压幅度计算: 20log(0.707)=-3dB
根据功率计算: 10log(0.5)=-3dB ),对应的频率称为上截止频率,又常称为-3dB带宽。
Cadence File Locking Problems
Common File Locking Errors:
When cadence is not exited properly, there might be file lock problem when
you restart icfb. The error messages might look like this:
>*WARNING* Couldn't get a write lock for
> (clscompatd): Requested lock conflicts with active lock
>*WARNING* XXopen: failed to lock file
>in A_MODE mode - is currently not locked.
How to Fix the File Lock:
What can be done to remove file lock:
- Use clsAdminTool to release active locks. type "clsAdminTool" to start,
then type "help" and follow the instructions. - This can also be done manually by deleting all .cdslck files under your
locked-file directories. - After 1 or 2, sometimes icfb still complains about file lock. try exit
cadence and kill all cadence processes, then restart icfb. - If after 1, 2 and 3, you still have the same file lock problem, it
could be a proxy lock (the warning message looks all the same). contact
system administrator to restart file-locking daemon (cdsd).
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Using IPW3945 instead IWL3945 for Intel wireless 3945 in hardy
-throughput is limited 110kb/s rx
-the wireless lan is very unstable
-sometimes the system freezes while scanning for networks
i tried some things to workaround:
- installed the ubuntu-backports (so the driver 1.2.25 is install) = ok the wlan led works again
- add the file /etc/modprobe.d/iwl3945 (alias wlan0 iwl3945
options iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=1)
- to config the card i used wicd ( of the builtin network-admin
now i decided to backport to the old ipw3945 driver which has do everything fine in gutsy…
1. sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
added the lines
# blacklist new iwl3945
blacklist iwl3945
blacklist mac8021
so the new iwl3945 won’t load at system startup
2. Reboot
3. Download ipw3945 microcode ( and copy it into /lib/firmware/2.6.24-17-generic/
4. Download ipw3945 regulatory daemon from here and copy it into /sbin/
(copy the file within folder x86 to /sbin/ too)
5. get the patch from here thanks
6. get the ipw driver
7. patch -p1 <>
(target file = ipw3945.h)
8. make
9. sudo make install
10. sudo chmod 777 /sbin/ipw*
11. add a file /etc/modprobe.d/ipw3945
add lines:
install ipw3945 /sbin/modprobe -i ipw3945 ; sleep 0.5 ; /sbin/ipw3945d –quiet
remove ipw3945 /sbin/ipw3945d --kill ; /sbin/modprobe -r -i ipw3945
12. sudo modprobe ipw3945
13. reboot
1、准备好无线网卡的Windows驱动程序,我是用for Windows XP的。
或到 下载ndisgtk、ndiswrapper-common和ndiswrapper-utils这三个.deb文件。然后按如下顺序安装这三个软件包:先装ndiswrapper-common,再装ndiswrapper-utils,最后装ndisgtk。
本文地址: 来自:UbuntuABCTuesday, September 14, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Resolving Emacs "murrine_style_draw_box: assertion `height >= -1'"
Original Article: