Thursday, February 14, 2008

Make Your Extensions Work with the Firefox 3 Beta

Firefox 3 Beta only: If you've taken the plunge into testing the brand new Firefox 3 beta but your favorite extensions are disabled, that's because developers haven't updated them and may not be providing secure updates yet. If you're an impatient risk-taker who needs your extensions back NOW, here's a cheat that may get them to work. Big Honking Warning: Only do this if you're willing to deal with possible bleeding edge extension bugs and security risks!

  • Type about:config into Firefox's address bar and click the "I'll be careful, I promise!" button.
  • Right-click anywhere. Choose New>Boolean. Make the name of your new config value extensions.checkCompatibility and set it to false.
  • Make another new boolean pair called extensions.checkUpdateSecurity and set the value to false.
  • Restart Firefox.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2008年 Linux的25个顶级游戏


如 果你对linux平台的游戏感兴趣,那么你一定知道这个游戏可能是开源的,大多数也是免费的,你可以只有的更改,这些特性就造成了Linux游戏是这样的 流行,一个开发者可以做出一个好的游戏并使它完善,和世界上的人分享,变成一个英雄.所以,在大量的Linux游戏存在的情况下,为什么还在私有游戏浪费 你的时间和金钱呢?

考 虑到每个游戏类型之不同,且在它们的联盟中都是最棒的,我们对这个排名做了些保留.比如我们把一些玩家爱喜欢的freeciv放到#3,而其他的更喜欢 简单一点的Battle for Wesnoth 韦诺之战放到#6,有的呢则一点也不喜欢文明之类的游戏,而他们痴迷于老游戏,Tux Racer (#18). 列出来的游戏我们主要关注与他的Linux发行版的版本,同样的有些游戏也有window和mac版本,我们同样在没有游戏的后面增加了价格,链接,下载 等信息.

Spring - (Linux, Windows) 比起2007,你更期待2008的排行吗?那看看Spring (也称TA Spring 或者 横扫千军: Spring) . TA Spring 可以毫无瑕疵玩横扫千军中所有的场景. 可以支持5000个一样的单位同时作战,只受你电脑能力的限制. 你可以在3D高清晰地图上发到大型的战争,通过照相机模式,可以通过任何一个角度观察战争. 游戏每次只适用很多修改版块中的一个.价格: 游戏的核心以GPL协议发布. 幸运的是现在任然有两个修改版以GNU/GPL协议发布,还有一些没有明确的发布形式(被修改者所有). 然而也有一些以Atari版权发布. 如果想玩,就必须取得他原始的游戏.下载.

TremulousTremulous - (Linux, Windows, Mac) 这是一个自由开源的FPS游戏, 和Quake2的Gloom很像. Tremulous是个分两组游戏,一边是人类,一边是异形,每边都有自己的缺点和优点.双方的玩家都可以像即时战略的形式来建造建筑. 游戏的最终目的就是消灭对方. 消灭的方法不光是消灭对方的人,同样可以破坏对方的建筑,.一个游戏已经被下载了10W次.他在MOD database的mod之年之2006的比赛中被评选为“玩家单机游戏最佳选择”, 在 2007比赛中的 单机游戏 中获得第五名. 不过重2006年到现在还没有新的版本发布. 价格: 免费.下载 (Linux, Windows) 下载 (Mac).

FreeCivFreeCiv - (Linux, Windows, Mac)这个开源游戏始于史前史,你的任务就是领导你的部落从石器时代走向太空时代. 这个游戏类似于Sid Meier出品的《文明》. 它是回合制策略游戏 ,你可以通过你领导的部落历史上最强大的文明.你的目标就是建设城市, 采集资源,组建你的政府,并且建设一个军队.这个可能是开源游戏里边最上瘾的帝国建造策略游戏了. 支持3个角色设置, 因为太流行了,被翻译成了29种语言,支持30个用户通过互联网,局域网连战. 价格: 免费. 下载.

NexuizNexuiz - (Linux, Windows, Mac) Nexuiz 已经被一个Lee Vermeulen为首叫做 Alientrap的 业余编程爱好者团队开发了近5年,.它们的目标是创建一个免费的可以和商业游戏相媲美的动作游戏. 它是一个完全通过网络完成的3D对抗游戏 ,目的是为了让游戏回到起点 ,加上完美的武器平衡和快节奏的动作,使它于现实种的枪手完全不同. 它使用Evil Lair开发的HFX纹理 ,现在呢有27的地图可供选择.通过高级的用户接口,可以在15个玩家模式之间选择, 每模式有两个皮肤, 可以来连接到主服务器和世界各国的玩家同场竞技. 这个游戏开源,跨平台,FPS. 现在的版本是, 2.2.3, 于2007.1发布. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Alien Arena外星人竞技场- (Linux, Windows) Alien Arena是即时,回合,策略,动作游戏, 快,且好玩. 这个游戏包括单用户作战,和更加突出的多用户作战. 不过这些已经是过去,因为现在 6.10版本 加入和更大的改进,增强和很多惊喜. Alien Action 第一次发行是在2004.10. 从初始版本到现在每个方面都在不断的修改.现在看起来就像一个新游戏. 最新的版本包含了7个崭新的竞技场 ,加入了声效和武器集 (加入和新武器Violator!), 和在决斗模式中可以实现1 VS 1 . 输入和网络代码的优化改进使即使在150以上的PING值也可以流畅的游戏. 最后,但不是不重要, CURL实现地图和内容更快下载 . 价格: 免费. 下载 (如果你已经有了Alien Arena 2007, 你需要在其基础上安装6.10来给它打个补丁.)

韦诺之战 - (Linux, Windows, Mac) 不过一切的为了Wesnoth的王位而战斗, 或者尝试才发布的 1.3.15版本中的历险. 游戏的背景设置在一个16个种族和6个小团体的幻境中. 有200单位生产不同的武器和能力. 6个主要的种族. 有人类 侏儒 兽人 矮子,侏儒 不死,鸭子 . 随着游戏的提高,玩家可以和其他种族结盟,比如 saurians, merfolk, nagas, ogres, trolls and woses. 只有最后现在和8个朋友对战. 比起Freeciv,有些人更喜欢Wesnoth的可上手性. 这个网站很有趣,包括了Wesnoth的历史和游戏的历史, 和人物特性和地理位置的描述. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Scorched 3DScorched 3D - (Linux, Windows, Mac) Scorched 3D是一个类似于经典DOS游戏Scorched Earth的战斗游戏, Scorched 3D 增加了一个3D的岛屿的环境和对联网对战的支持. 其最底层只是一个有两个坦克的炮兵部队攻击对方敌军的一个场景.选择好你的角度,方向,发射你的武器,尽量使对方的坦克爆炸.当然,这是最基本的任务.而 这个模式使它成为了2008的赢家.游戏还有启示, 操作坦克, 清道猎杀, 爆炸战争等很多MOD. 版本41.6才在2008.1.20发布 价格: 免费. 下载.

Frets on FireFrets On Fire - (Linux, Windows, Mac) Assembly Demo Party 2006的赢家, Frets on Fire 是 Unreal Voodoo开 发的以完成音乐和视频的游戏. 玩家像弹吉它一样的来用键盘,更随着屏幕上滚动的音乐乐谱来完成任务. 一只手用来按 ‘frets’ (F1 to F5)另一只按 ‘picks’ (Shift or Enter). 通过按 ‘frets’来播放那些着色的标记,按 ‘picks’来掌握准确的. 游戏中也有音乐编译和指南. Frets on Fire是自由开源软件. 它用Python开发,且基于GPL发布,某些代码通过其他自由协议发布. 但是它其中的歌曲和字体是私有的,所以不可以再发布. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Secret Maryo Chronicles超级玛丽历代记 - (Linux, Windows) Secret Maryo Chronicles (SMC) 是一个二维的开源游戏,类似于一般的通关游戏. 华丽的图形和有趣的通关,让您耳目一新,想起了超级马里奥. SMC 集成了一个游戏编辑器 - 通过按F8来激活. 你可以增加第二,改变你在每关的起始点, 添加活动的精灵, 可以创建一个正好你可以跳过的精灵,等等. .去上面的网站了解更多关于不同图形, 精灵, 和起始位置. 尽管SMC很简单,但是Powerup层把smc搞得很复杂也很有趣. 价格: 免费. 下载.

World of PadmanWorld Of Padman - (Linux, Windows, Mac) WOP 是使用Quake3引擎的漫画风格的游戏. 这个游戏的特性就是支持所有的游戏类型. Padman在2007个人游戏MOD比赛中 夺得了第四名. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Vendetta深仇大恨 - (Linux,Windows, Mac) 游戏中玩家扮演在无垠的宇宙中的航天飞船驾驶员. 用户可以用自己的风格来塑造人物形象, 可以是一个企业首脑,军事英雄,或者是一个歹徒。加上在一个巨大的银河中一个快节奏和“转变”战斗模式给人强烈的冲击,. 在一些NPC制造的经历抢夺,政治阴谋,冲突等环境下,几大派别可谓是势均力敌. 完整的宇宙和详细的故事情节,造就了非一般的游戏体验. 价格:游戏可在无附加任何条件的情况下免费使用, 试玩时间限制为8个小时. 觉得好玩,可以升级为付费版. 下载 (使用帐户).

SauerbratenSauerbraten - (Linux, Windows, Mac) Sauerbraten (a.k.a. Cube 2)是一个基于 Cube FPS的从新设计版本的单、多用户游戏.尽管 Sauerbraten和Cube在游戏设计思路上有共同之处, 但是它有一个6向定点世界模式. 这个补充使游戏具有了更复杂的几何图形,. 和Cube很像的地方在于, 游戏的目的并不是简单的满足于视觉上的效果,而是在游戏的同时动态的创建地图. 此为这个FPS游戏十分的耐玩,他的引擎正在被用来研发一个RPG游戏. The scenes are reminiscent of Myst, with Gothic perspectives and realism. 价格: 免费. 下载 (Linux, Windows) 下载 (Mac)

VDriftVDrift - (Linux, Windows, Mac) VDrift是一个跨平台开源的模拟驾驶游戏.他有16个跑道和29个车型. 它使用一个简单的网络多用户模式连战.您可以使用鼠标,键盘和手柄来控制. 游戏中可以任意的改变游戏和车型的设置,对比赛回放,也有多种的模式。. 价格: 免费. 下载.

VegaStrickVegastrike - (Linux, Windows, Mac) Vega Strike是一个GPL下发布的三维的RPG游戏,玩家可以进行贸易和悬赏追捕. 你任职于一个旧的旅客货船上, 你根本就不是知道你生活的未来是什么,工作正好可以维持生计. 危险就在不远的地方.随着时间的推移,你会发现有大量的政治实体出现,并且它们并不都是和平相处的.. The Vega Strike 引擎是Privateer Gemini Gold, Privateer Remake, Vega Trek, 和 Pi Armada projects的基础. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Battlestar Galactica群星尽头:第二基地 - (Linux, Windows, Mac) Beyond the Red Line 是一个单机游戏,由Volition and Interplay开发的《自由空间(freespace)》转换而来. 根据一个叫 Battlestar Galactica的TV秀而来. 你将会对船模的高解析度和高质量声音而惊叹, 游戏内置音乐由Bear McCreary和Richard Gibbs制作. 联机可以和你的朋友进行对抗赛,多玩家包括死亡竞赛, 抢占据点, 和其他像《Viper》的一些模式 . 价格: 免费. 下载.

ExcaliberExcalibur: Morgana’s Revenge v3.0 (EMR 3.0) - (Linux, Windows, Mac) EMR 是唯一一个基于Aleph One (马拉松) 引擎. 是包含一个史诗般的故事情节的第一人称动作冒险游戏. 作为盟军在你的最后任务中启航探险,发现你的任务才刚刚开始. AI Merlin教会了你时光旅行技术,且告诉了你新的任务: 从Morgana和它的下手中拯救出人类. 穿过野生丛林, 城堡竞技场, 穿过未来饱经战乱的街道, 你将随时挥舞武器 - 包括Sword of Power,Excalibur - 试图解开恶魔的秘密阴谋. EMR冒险 , 42个单独的关卡, 编织了一关于事实,真诚, 勇敢的传说, 和背叛的阴暗面.. EMR是你沁入在一个惊奇的世界, 是你得到快乐的游戏体验. 价格: 免费. 下载.

True Combat Elite TrueCombat: Elite (TC:E) - (Linux, Windows, Mac) TC:E 是一个现在社会的完全免费的的单机FPS游戏.,Truecombat Elite由玩家制作,自己娱乐. TC:E现在正在被GrooveSix工作室和TeamTerminator共同开发.TeamTerminator因开发基于Q3的 TrueCombat系列而广为人知, GrooveSix工作室起于TrueCombat的辞职创建者,因此它经历了一个Q3的创建过程, TC:E 希望更多的奉献于游戏联盟,到那个时候TC:E会让你成为两个攻击冲突力量中强大的雇佣兵. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Tux RacerTux Racer - 一个用LINUX吉祥物-tux来制作的一个企鹅滑雪下坡的3D游戏. 选择杯子然后就是了和电脑的比赛. 当你解锁了默写关卡后,杯子会给你更多的惊险刺激的关卡. 网站上说Tux Racerz在2001.10.19发布0.6.1版本.虽然这样老了,但是它确实是个很好玩的游戏,因为你可以记录自己的通关记录,通过小小的修改可以 玩到新鲜的东西. Tux Racer 有大量的设置,可以通过添加地图,比如添加三个光珊图片来定义物体的高度和摆放位置. 价格: 免费; 下载.

TORCSThe Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS) - (Linux, Windows, Mac) TORCS高度移植的仿真驾驶游戏.它被来当作普通的游戏,而把AI racing当作一个研发的平台. TORCS 中有50个车型,20个赛道,50个竞技板块. 在平台支持的情况下可以使用手柄和转盘来掌舵. 图形有灯光,烟雾,刹车板. 同时也模拟了一个简单的物理破坏模型:撞车,爆胎,车胎的软硬, 空气动力学等. 从简单的联系环节到冠军赛都有不同的比赛类型可供选择. 在分屏模式下最多4个玩家可以比赛.下个开发目标就是要实现网络连战. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Flight GearFlight Gear - (Linux, Windows, Mac) 灵感来自于对现在商业战斗游戏的不满意.Flight Gear 项目就是为了填补商业游戏的缺点. FlightGear项目创建的一大目的是开发出一个精密的战斗方针框架出来,这个框架主要用于教育研究、追赶其他有趣的游戏框架, 也可以作为一个最终用户程序. 开发成员毫不自疑的认为任何人只要对这个项目感兴趣都可以为这个框架的扩展和提高做贡献. 另外, Flight Gear 有些模拟的精准和使用的地形,可以帮助你瞄准目标价格: 免费. 下载.

ManiaDriveManiaDrive - (Linux, Windows) ManiaDrive是Trackmania免费克隆版,由Nadéo工作室制作, 这是一个街机汽车游戏,玩的时候让你刚到紧张 (记录重来没有被超过1分钟的), 像原来的版本一样有个网络模式. 一旦你安装了,你会在跑道上以极速跑离车道,让人不禁联想到特技赛车.游戏配备了复杂的汽车图形, 挑战“故事模式” ,一个跑道编辑器, 局域网,互联网模式,HTTP接口专用服务器, 30多个街区的完整音乐. 跑道边的广告音乐是 Maniadrive的一些优秀的音乐伴奏. 音乐既合适也有相当高的品质 . 价格: 免费. 下载.

D2X-XLD2X-XL - (Linux, Windows, Mac) D2X-XL是Descent目前功能最丰富的一个版本,因为它提供诸如彩色光, 烟雾, 实时影子,新的武器特效和更加到多玩家模式.作为Discent的一个重要移植版,它保留了对原游戏的兼容性并可以一个图形升级版来改变外观. 当你到网站去的时候, 价格: 免费. 下载.

Hammer of ThyrionHexen II: Hammer of Thyrion - (Linux, Windows, Mac) 在2000年, Raven Software 发布了射击游戏Hexen II的源代码和它的多玩家扩展HexenWorld. 从那个时候开始就有了基于它源代码的移植游戏, 比如 已经停止了的Anvil of Thyrion项目, 2002年之前它在linux没有任何的动作. The Hammer of Thyrion跨平台源代码移植: 开发者继续在linux ,bsd , mac os x ,windows上长期的支持. 溢出了很多BUG,增加了很多模式,改进鼠标的操控,视屏模式,和更充分的利用了OpenGl的特性 价格: 免费. 下载.

Ultimate StuntsUltimate Stunts - (Linux, Windows) 这个汽车游戏之所以榜上有名是因为它是正在开发中的伟大杰作. UltimateStunts是著名的DOS游戏stunts 的改造版. 虽没有完成,但是对原来的游戏来说有很大的提高啊. Stunts 只是一个使用CGA/EGA/VGA图形的老DOS游戏, 但是 Ultimate Stunts是一个现代的多平台程序. 在游戏中有种玩特技的感觉,比如回环,盘旋,跳桥等动作. 同上也具有多玩家,编辑地图,3D音效等特性. 价格: 免费. 下载.

America's ArmyAmerica’s Army: Special Forces - (Linux, Windows, Mac)我们在犹豫是否把这个列入名单,但是它确实是现在很流行的,且要占领更大的市场. 我想把在这个游戏后面的故事给大家说说. America’s Army 是一个免费的游戏,提供给美国招募军队和训练的时候使用. 但这样引起了一个对道德的争论 (网速慢的玩家被重定向到可以免费获得这个游戏CD的美国军队招募中心). 不过进一步的来说,这个游戏很严肃不具有很强的娱乐性. 比起其他军队的射手,玩家的原型运动细节的捕捉上要相信N倍.在最近的版本中,它更像是一个FPS游戏了.因为这个是这个游戏失去了团队任务的特性,. 考虑到这个游戏是美国军队出品了,我们怀疑钢盔上面是否有洞. 在 GameSpy调查了这个游戏发现从2002到2005平均有4500人玩.对美国军队来说应该可以排入网络游戏的前十名了. 价格: 免费. 下载.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Unlock OTB 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 (BL4.6)

UPDATE: All questions please go to Hackint0sh.

NOTICE: For bootloader 4.6 only. If you do try it on a bootloader 3.9, you will get these messages:

geohot's 112 otb unlocker...
Waiting for data...
Got Header: 77 0b cc
Bootloader version: 3.9_M3S2
Incorrect bootloader version

The following contents are basically from the instructions.txt bundled in the Geohot’s unlocking package. I made some modifications to make it more clear.

1. Downgrade Firmware

Put iPhone into DFU mode then use iTunes to downgrade firmware to 1.0.2 (there will be an error 1013 at the end which is normal).

Why downgrade to 1.0.2 ?
Because only on 1.0.2 the WiFi will be alive when CommCenter is shutdown, so you can use SSH which is more comfortable than operating directly on iPhone. If you prefer unlocking on 1.1.1, you may have to use Term-vt100 instead of SSH and enter the commands on iPhone and you may need to turn on Airplane Mode.

After the firmware downgrade, install the following packages:

BSD Subsystem

2. Get Files

Get these files:

Unlocking tool: OTB 1.1.2 & 1.1.3 Unlocking Tool
Baseband: ICE04.02.13_G.fls

Extract and put all files into a folder, say /unlock, on iPhone.

3. Unlock It

Now SSH login to iPhone, issue the following commands to unlock:

launchctl remove
cd /unlock
chmod 755 *
./gunlock secpack ICE04.02.13_G.fls
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

NOTICE: 1.1.3 unlocked with 04.02.13_G.fls as well.

What does this mean?
This means your modem is downgraded to 04.02.13_G after the unlock even if you were on 04.03.13_G before.

4. Jump Out of Brick Mode

If iPhone is in brickmode after the unlock, get the elite team bricktool From Here and use it to get out (bricktool d).

Enjoy your OTB 1.1.2/1.1.3 unlocked iPhone.

Real 1.1.3 Jailbreak/Activation With ZiPhone

I’ve just managed to give Zibri’s new jailbreak tool (ZiPhone) a try, Zibri claims this tool can jailbreak/activate all versions of firmwares, unlock BL4.6 phones, changing BL4.6 IMEIs, and even revive BL4.6 bricks. I’m only interested in its jailbreak/activation part because I don’t have a BL4.6 phone.

Here’s the tool: ZiPhone - Zibri’s Multipurpose Utility (Original:

Excerpt from the README.txt:

Unlock and Imei changer will work ONLY on 4.6 BL (112 and 113 ootb).
Jailbreak will work on any OS version.
Activation will work on any OS version, except for youtube on 1.0.X (I am lazy i know).
As a side-effect, using this tool will revive many ‘dead’ basebands.
Just use the unlock option.

I restored my BL 3.9 phone to 1.1.3 with iTunes, then tried to jailbreak with ZiPhone. My first attempt was on a Leopard which did not succeed, ZiPhone crashed each time after iPhone entered recovery mode, I assumed it’s designed for Tiger only but I didn’t have a Tiger environment to test it. So I turned to Windows, and tried with different methods:

Attemp 1

I first tried to do a standalone jailbreak first, followed by an activation:

ZiPhone -j
ZiPhone -a

Even though both commands executed without error, iPhone still unactivated.

Attemp 2

Then I fed both jailbreak and activation parameters in a single command line:

ZiPhone -a -j

This time it worked, iPhone was jailbroken and activated.

Install iCosta on 1.1.3

关于 NativeCn 和 iCosta


iCosta本质上是一个附加库,通过dyld在启动SpringBoard时被自动载入, 并通过重载(override)部分方法(我猜测是UIKit的方法,没有逆向分析过)来实现中文输入,因此对于1.1.2的版本仍然可以用于1.1.3版。不过,目前的安装脚本不允许在1.1.3上直接安装,需要手工安装,这篇文章就是讲手工安装的方法的。

UPDATE: iCosta有比较明显的内存泄漏问题。在安装后,类似下面的这种错误随处可见:

*** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x204680 of class NSConcreteValue autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
*** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x206960 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking



先下载好需要的iCosta 1.1.2版的PXL文件,我用的是拼音输入法,因此下载了 iCostaPy_1.1.2.pxl,其他的输入法安装方法与这里描述的完全一样。

1. 把文件改名成.zip,然后解压,得到以下一些内容:

bin/iCosta.dylib (植入库)
iCostaImages/* (键盘需要的图片)
util/iCostaCtl (用来安装和卸载的程序)

2. 在iPhone上建一个目录:


然后把iCostaImages里面所有的PNG图片上传到建立的目录中去。完成后检查一下文件属性,应该所有人(Owner, Group, Other)都可读,否则调出输入法后看不见键盘的(注:原PXL中有权限错误),在 iPhone 上输入下面命令确保所有属性都正确:

chmod 755 /Library/iCosta
chmod 644 /Library/iCosta/*

3. 把bin目录中的iCosta.dylib上传到iPhone的/usr/lib目录中去。如果对文件属性不确定, 可以输入下面命令保证权限正确:

chmod 755 /usr/lib/iCosta.dylib

4. 把util目录中的iCostaCtl上传到iPhone的/usr/bin目录中去。如果对文件属性不确定, 可以输入下面命令保证权限正确:

chmod 755 /usr/bin/iCostaCtl

5. 确定存在/var/root/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist文件,如果这个文件不存在,可以用符号连接指向mobile账号下的同名文件:

ln -s /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist /var/root/Library/Preferences/.

感谢Tice指出缺少.GlobalPreferences.plist文件的这种可能性。因Dev JB 113把root有关文件移动到了mobile账号(假如安装时没有选择保留用户数据),因此在root账号下的有关配置可能是空的。

6. 在iPhone上执行下列命令安装植入库并载入字典:

iCostaCtl -install111


7. 重启SpringBoard使植入库生效:

launchctl remove
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/



1. 修改SpringBoard配置文件并恢复设置:

iCostaCtl -uninstall111


2. 重新启动SpringBoard

launchctl remove
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

3. 删除安装文件:

rm -rf /Library/iCosta
rm -f /usr/lib/iCosta.dylib
rm -f /usr/bin/iCostaCtl




这是因为用于输入法的键盘图片权限不对,无法读取造成的。iCosta的文件包里面iCostaImages目录中的文件权限不对,有部分文件只有所有者(Owner)才能读取,如果从 Unix操作系统上通过SCPSFTP传到 iPhone后就需要修改权限(因为Unix系统的这种复制会连带属性一起复制,除非目标文件已经存在),修改的方法前面已经讲过了。


因为以前SpringBoard应用都是以root身份运行的,可以读取任何文件,而自1.1.3开始,SpringBoard改成了以mobile身份运行,而由于iCosta PXL文件本身的错误导致需要对文件权限进行调整。实际上,由于这个权限问题,很多第三方应用在1.1.3上都需要进行调整,比如Installer必须SUID root才能正确运行。

为什么用Natetrue的方法没有问题,用Dev Team的就有问题?

还是权限问题。Natetrue的方法最后mobile实际上是root,拥有与root同等的权限,当然不会有读不到文件的问题了。Dev Team的方法是遵循了苹果的模式,让mobileroot区分开来,所以有权限问题。

Free Web Clipping Tools: Permanently Save Anything That You Find On The Internet

ith billions of web pages around, keeping track of information that you discover on the web is extremely tough. Some of us rely on bookmarks but they are unmanageable and become useless over time when the underlying pages disappear because the website structure may have changed.

If your bookmark folder is also getting obese, switch to any of these web clipping tools - they help you capture and save anything from the Internet including text notes, images, complete web pages, documents, PDFs, etc.

So even if the source website is gone, you will never feel lost again.

Microsoft Onfolio - Onfolio is an outstanding note taking application that lets you collect information from web pages as well as all other Windows programs (like Excel, Outlook, Notepad, etc) so you have a central repository of all content captured from websites, emails, screenshots and documents.

onfolio note taking Onfolio provides some very unique features. For instance, you can capture complete websites or single web pages in their entirety including CSS, Javascripts and images so the captured web page looks the same even in offline mode. Onfolio can also download PDF files and Microsoft Office documents from the web with a simple click.

You can also assign colored flags to captured content. The tool is integrated with Windows Live Writer and all popular blog services so you can quickly publish scrapped content onto your blog with proper attribution to the original source.

A limiting point is that Onfolio stores all the content to your local hard drive and so you may not have access to your web research on another computer. You can however export web clipping as compressed web pages (MHT) and share them via email attachments.

Onfolio can either run as a standalone desktop application or as a sidebar in Internet Explorer provided you have installed Windows Live Toolbar. Other commercial alternatives to Onfolio include Microsoft OneNote and EverNote.

Clipmarks - Working like a pair of scissors, Clipmarks is a very innovative web based software for clipping snippets from web pages, images and even YouTube videos - you place the mouse cursor over a portion you want to save, Clipmarks will then intelligently draw a logical boundary surrounding that snippet and a click will put a copy of that portion to your online Clipmarks account.

clipped websites

This is a perfect solution for grabbing specific portions of any web page that matter the most to you - it could be a video on YouTube, contact address of a friend, a quote on Wikipedia or anything else. And Clipmark will always include a link to the original source so you always know the origin of your clippings. For IE, Firefox and Flock.

ToRead and InstaPaper - You discover an interesting web page but do not have the time to read it. So you either save the URL of that page to your Browser bookmarks or store it in with the tags "follow" or "toread".

unread web pages Now this methods involves some effort so you want to try toread or instapaper for keeping up with unread web pages - both services are dead simple but extremely useful. You neither have to type anything nor open any new windows.

With toread, a click will send a full copy of the current web page to your email address. In case of Instapaper, the address of the current web page is captured to your online instapaper account so you have a instant list of unread pages.

Google Notebook - If you want quick access to all your web research while on the move, Google Notebook is the only decent choice. This online web clipping tool from Google is available for IE, Firefox and they also have a version for mobile phones so you can take notes from your iPhone or BlackBerry.

One of the most useful features in Google Notebook is the integration with Google Web search. You can save any search result to online Google Notebook by clicking the Note This link that appears next to every search result on

Google Notebook Web Clippings

The sharing features in Google Notebook are also impressive. You can publish certain notebooks as public so anyone (including search engine bots) can read your web clips like a regular web page. Alternatively, you can invite friends or family members to work together on a particular notebook. Nice option if you want to do some collaborative research for a group project or an upcoming vacation.

Google Notebook are currently not supported on Apple Safari or Opera.

With any of these tools on your system, there’s little probability that you will ever loose touch with important stuff you ever discovered on the Internet.

Iterasi is another promising tool for clipping web pages but it’s in closed beta. Also check out Ript for ripping text and images from web pages and converting them into scrapbook.

Run Your Personal Wikipedia from a USB Stick

You don't have to lease server space or keep your home computer always on to access a personal web server—you can run a web, FTP, and database server straight from a USB drive. A slim web server package called XAMPP fits on a USB stick and can run database-driven webapps like the software that powers Wikipedia, MediaWiki. Almost two years ago you learned how to set up your "personal Wikipedia" on your home web server to capture ideas and track document revisions in a central knowledge repository. Today we'll set up MediaWiki on your flash drive for access on any Windows PC on the go.

A word on security: The XAMPP web server package is intended for web developers to use while building web sites, so by default, the passwords are blank and configuration is not secure. Running server software opens up a port on your computer, which in and of itself is a security risk. Getting this set up requires getting your hands dirty editing configuration files. If you're not comfortable with the risks and implications of this solution but still want your own wiki, I highly recommend the free, hosted, PBWiki. Also check out the nifty TiddlyWiki for a less setup-intensive wiki-on-a-thumb-drive alternative.

Still with me? Let's get your personal wiki running on a thumb drive.

What You'll Need

In order to get your personal Wikipedia running on your thumb drive, you'll need:

  • A Windows XP PC with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista Ultimate
  • A thumb drive with at least 150MB free. The bigger your drive, the more data you can store on it so go as big as you can here.

Install and Start XAMPP

Download the XAMPP Lite .EXE installer from here. Double-click on the file to extract it, and choose your flash drive's drive letter as the destination (not a subfolder.) A folder called xampplite will be created on your thumb drive.

(Note: I chose XAMPP Lite because it offers everything we need to run MediaWiki, and it's smaller in size than XAMPP. But XAMPP is updated more often than XAMPP Lite, and you can install add-ons with full-on XAMPP, so it may be a consideration if you want to do more than just run MediaWiki on your thumb drive.)

Once XAMPPLite is saved to your flash drive, to start it up, double-click on the xampp-control.exe file in the xampplite directory. That will launch XAMPP's Control Panel, which lets you start all the services you need.

To run MediaWiki, you need two services: Apache web server, and the MySql database server. Click the Start button next to each of those in the XAMPP Control Panel, as shown.


When you hit the Start button, your system's firewall may ask whether or not it should allow incoming and outgoing connections to the software. Allow it.

Now your portable web server is up and running. To see it in action, in your web browser, visit http://localhost/. Click on your language of choice—by default, XAMPP Lite's English homepage looks like this.


The first thing we want to do is set up a few passwords to secure your servers. Click on the "Security" link on the sidebar (by default, located at http://localhost/security/. You'll see that by default, all of XAMPP's settings are marked as insecure. Click on the link below the security table to "fix" the problems (by default, http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php.) On this next page, set your MySql database password for the root user. If you choose, you can set a password for visiting any web page as well, as shown.


To enable the new MySQL password, switch to the XAMPP Control Panel, stop MySql, and start it again.

Install and Configure MediaWiki

Now that your web and database server is up and running, it's time to install the MediaWiki wiki software. Download the latest version of MediaWiki from here (as of this writing, the file name is mediawiki-1.11.1.tar.gz.) Extract the files (first gunzip, then tar, the free 7-Zip utility can do this for you), and by default they'll be stored in a folder called mediawiki-1.11.1. Rename this folder simply wiki and move it to your thumb drive in XAMPP's xampplite\htdocs\ folder. When you're done, if your thumb drive's letter is G:\, the full path to the MediaWiki files would be G:\xampplite\htdocs\wiki\.

To configure MediaWiki, visit http://localhost/wiki/. Click on the link to configure your wiki. There you can keep all the default settings except:

  • You must enter the name of your wiki. Mine is "GinaWiki."
  • You must enter a wiki administrator name (by default, WikiSysop) and password.
  • Enter your database information. The database name can stay wikidb, but change the DB username to root and enter the password you set up above.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Install MediaWiki!" button to save your settings. When the installation is complete, MediaWiki will prompt you to move the LocalSettings.config.php file up a directory on your thumb drive. Go ahead and do that. You're moving the file from

Finally, visit http://localhost/wiki/ to see your fresh new MediaWiki installation in action, as shown below. Congratulations!


From here you can start editing and adding pages, creating user accounts and even uploading files to your new wiki.

But first, two helpful customizations will make your new wiki easier to use.

  • Make your wiki the default start page. When you visit your local server, you might want your wiki's home page to appear first instead of XAMPP's homepage. To do that, open the index.php file in XAMPP's htdocs directory in a text editor. Change the line that reads: header('Location: '.$uri.'/xampp/'); to header('Location: '.$uri.'/wiki/'); and save it. Now, when you visit http://localhost/, you'll go directly to your wiki.
  • Add a custom wiki logo. To add your own logo to the upper left hand side of your wiki install, create a 135x135 pixel image, name it mywikilogo.png, and save it to H:\xampplite\htdocs\wiki\skins\common\images where H: is your thumb drive's letter. Then, open the H:\xampplite\htdocs\wiki\LocalSettings.php file in a text editor and add the following line: $wgLogo = "/wiki/skins/common/images/mywikilogo.png"; Save the file, and refresh your wiki in the browser. You should now see your custom logo. (Note: the logo doesn't have to be a PNG file; substitute your image's extension, like JPG or GIF.)

Stopping and Starting Your Wiki

When you're finished using your wiki, invoke the XAMPP Control Panel running in your system tray. Click the Stop button next to Apache, then click the Stop button next to MySql. Once the servers have stopped, click the Exit button. You can now eject your thumb drive as usual. Remember: don't try to eject your thumb drive before stopping the services; doing so can blue screen your PC and possibly screw up your wiki and server installation.

To start up your wiki at a new computer, plug in your thumb drive, and double-click on the xampp-control.exe file to start the Control Panel. From there, start the Apache and MySql servers, then visit http://localhost/ to edit your wiki.

Why a personal Wikipedia?

A wiki is an incredible collaborative tool for groups of people, but it's also a great one-stop shop for your own personal "stuff I want to remember"—like ideas, drafts, lists, and bookmarks. If you haven't edited Wikipedia or just want to see what MediaWiki can do, here's a quick demonstration of what writing a novel draft would be like using the software and its special Wikitext markup.

More Portable Web Servers

XAMPP isn't the only portable web server on the block. Another free portable server package called Server2Go includes Perl 5.8. Thanks, Vijay!

Breaking News: Simpler method to JailBreak & Unlock iPhone firmware 1.1.3 Released

Zibri who was the member of the iPhone Dev Team not so long ago and was alienated for releasing the “true” jailbreak method that the iPhone dev team was attempting to keep secret until the release of Apple’s official SDK has just released a much simpler and what seems to be a single step method to jailbreak iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 along with some minor fixes.

Zibri was also the iPhone hacker to confirm the rumor/news that the iPhone Application SDK Key has leaked.

More details on the latest iPhone jailbreak method available after the jump.
If you are new to the iPhone hacking world then jailbreaking provides read orwrite iPhone filesystem access, allowing installation of unofficial third-party iPhone applications.

Disclaimer: Before I go into the details it is important to mention that before you jailbreak your iPhone, be sure to backup in iTunes so you can restore your iPhone if something goes terribly wrong and since I have not tried this method I am not in a position to confirm either way so do remember that hacking your iPhone is completely at your own risk.

It is also important to note here that though users have got this to work there are some users who are still experiencing problems jailbreaking with this method.

Here are the instructions on how to use this simpler method to jailbreak iPhone firmware 1.1.3 courtesy iPhone Atlas:

Mac users:

Download the "ziphone" file from this link.

Downgrade to iTunes 7.4.2 by downloading it from this link.

Then download Pacifist from this link and use Pacifist to open the iTunes package then force an install.

Launch the Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities)

Drag the file “ziphone” in the first file you downloaded onto the Terminal window then type “-j”; the command should look something like this: /Users/username/Downloads/ZiPhone\ Folder/ZiPhone/ziphone -j.

Then follow the on-screen instructions.

Windows users:

Download the "ziphone" file from this link.

Downgrade to iTunes 7.4.2 by downloading it from this link.

Run “ziphone.exe” from the first file you downloaded.

Then follow the on-screen instructions.

This method also installs the Installer app which means you will be able to use AnySIM to unlock the iPhone to use any SIM.

In case you face any issues and need clarifications, you could checkout the comments on Zibri's blog post here, he has been quite prompt in responding to queries.

As always don't forget to drop in a line in case you have given this jailbreak method a shot in the comments.

Some more info available in the readme provided by Zibri which should be helpful:

Unlock and Imei changer will work ONLY on 4.6 BL (112 and 113 ootb).

Jailbreak will work on any OS version.

Activation will work on any OS version, except for youtube on 1.0.X.

Setup VNC Server for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon in 3 easy steps

I just did this on Gutsy, and I thought that it might be worth sharing as a simple way to set up a persistent VNC server. If you dont know what VNC is, its similiar to Remote Desktop for wind0ze. This is accessible using regular vnc viewers, and through java-enabled browsers. That's right, you work on your computer through a browser.

1) Install packages
sudo aptitude install x11vnc vnc-java
2) Set up password to allow clients to view
x11vnc -storepasswd
3) Open up ports 5800 and 5900 on your firewall

4) Run this command: x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800

That's it!

And an optional step 5:

5) Add the command from 4) to your sessions, so that it starts at each login

If you want to test it out on a browser, type this in the URL field:


Of course, replace the 25.etc. w/ your external IP address.

Addendums to this are welcome, such as how to make it more secure. I just thought it'd be nice to have a quick and dirty tutorial for getting this set up easily.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Guide: How to use the 1.1.3 jailbreak on any iPhone (Mac/Windows)

We’ve compiled acomplete instruction set for turning any iPhone revision (except for those with software/firmware 1.1.3 out of the box) into a jailbroken iPhone running software/firmware 1.1.3. The process is lengthy and requires some dexterity. When you’re done, you will have a jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone that retains the capability to use Apple’s official application signing mechanism (“Nikita”) and does not use any copyrighted code.

Before beginning this guide, make sure you are within range of a usable Wi-Fi network and connect your iPhone to your Mac or PC.

  • If you’re on a standard (non-jailbroken) 1.1.3 iPhone, start with step 2.
  • If you’re on a standard (non-jailbroken) 1.1.2 iPhone, start with step 1.
  • If you’re on a standard (non-jailbroken) 1.1.1 iPhone, start with step 1.
  • If you’re on a jailbroken iPhone running software 1.1.1, start with step 7.
  • If you’re on a jailbroken iPhone running software 1.1.2, start with step 8.

Step 1: Update your iPhone software/firmware 1.1.3

If your iPhone is already running software/firmware 1.1.3, there’s nothing to do here.

If not, launch iTunes, select your iPhone from the left-hand pane and press the “Update” button. This will download the 1.1.3 update and install it your iPhone.

Step 2: Download iPhone software/firmware 1.1.1

Click this link to download iPhone software/firmware 1.1.1: iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw

Make sure that your system doesn’t automatically decompress this file after downloading it. If you’re on a Mac using Safari, go to the “Preferences,” click “General,” then uncheck “Open Safe files after downloading.”)

Step 3: Put your iPhone in recovery mode Hold down the sleep/wake and home buttons simultaneously until the iPhone screen goes black, then after about 2 seconds, release the sleep/wake button but continue holding the home button. The intended result is that your iPhone screen remains black, and iTunes delivers a message stating that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. If that doesn’t happen, you need to try again.

If your iPhone’s screen turns back on and you see cable pointing to an iTunes logo, your iPhone is not in the correct mode. You will need to click the “Restore” button in iTunes and re-apply the iPhone 1.1.3 update, then try this step again.

Step 4: Downgrade your iPhone to software/firmware 1.1.1

  1. With your iPhone’s screen black and iTunes displaying a message that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode, click the “OK” button to close the error message dialog box.
  2. If you’re on a Mac, hold the “Option” key and click the “Restore” button, then select the file you downloaded in step 2.
  3. If you’re on a PC, hold down the “Shift” key and click the “Restore” button, then select the file you downloaded in step 2.
  4. This will apply the old firmware. At the end of the process you’ll receive an error message (either 1013 or 1015) stating that the iPhone could not be restored. This is normal. Click the “OK” button.
  5. Now, apply the 1.1.1 firmware/software again. Hold the “Option” key on a Mac or “Shift” key on a PC and click “Restore,” and again select the file you downloaded in step 2.
  6. If you immediately get an error message “1″ when attempting to apply firmware 1.1.1, your iPhone is in the wrong mode. Go back to step 3.

Step 5: Kick your iPhone out of recovery mode

If you are on a Mac, download iNdependence, and launch it. Wait a minute or so, and your iPhone will be pulled out of recovery mode.

If you are on a PC, download iBrickr and launch it. Wait a minute or so, and your iPhone will be pulled out of recovery mode.

[Once your iPhone is out of recovery mode, your iPhone will display the “Activate iPhone” screen with a message stating “Incorrect SIM.” Quit iNdependence or iBrickr.]

Step 6: Bypass activation and jailbreak 1.1.1

Your iPhone, even if it is locked to AT&T’s network, will not be able to activate through iTunes at this point. Instead, you need to temporarily bypass activation. This is the trickiest part of the process. Follow these steps:

  1. Slide the “slide for emergency” slider
  2. Enter *#307# and press “Call.” Your iPhone will start to ring.
  3. The screen should quickly show the dialer again, and you will be able to edit the numbers. Tap the “X” button to delete all the characters (*#307#) and enter “0″ then tap “Call” again.
  4. Tap “Answer”
  5. Tap “Hold”
  6. Tap “Decline”
  7. You should now see the iPhone’s normal dialer.
  8. Tap “Contacts” at the bottom of the screen.
  9. Add a new contact and name it whatever you want.
  10. Tap “Add new URL,” and enter prefs: (that’s the word prefs with a colon after it). Save the URL.
  11. Tap “Add new URL” again and enter Save the URL.
  12. Save the contact.
  13. Now tap the URL “prefs:” that you just created. This will launch the iPhone’s Settings application.
  14. Now tap “General,” then “Auto-Lock” and change the setting to “Never”
  15. Scroll up and tap “Wi-Fi.” Select your network and enter a password if necessary.
  16. Press the iPhone’s home button. You will be back at the “Activate” screen.
  17. Slide the emergency slider and tap “0″ then tap Call.
  18. Tap Answer.
  19. Tap Hold.
  20. Tap Decline.
  21. You will now be back at the Contacts screen.
  22. Tap the contact you created before, and this time tap the URL. This will launch Safari and access the jailbreakme page.
  23. Tap “Install AppSnapp” on that page. You will be return to the “Activate” screen. Do not touch anything at this point — wait until your iPhone automatically restarts.
  24. You will see the “Activate” screen again. At this point, you can slide your iPhone to unlock it and see the normal home screen. You can now access all of your iPhone functions except for the phone.

[If any part of this step fails, turn your iPhone off by holding the sleep/wake button until the power off slider appears and sliding it, then turn the iPhone back on and try again.]

Step 7: Upgrade to jailbroken 1.1.2

  1. On your iPhone launch “Installer” from the home screen. Allow the application to update, then re-launch it.
  2. In Installer, tap the “Install” button at the bottom of the screen, then select the category “Tweaks 1.1.1″
  3. Select the package “OktoPrep” and tap the “Install” button. After it installs, you should see a message stating that you are ready to upgrade to 1.1.2.
  4. Download the iPhone 1.1.2 jailbreak package on your Mac or PC and the iPhone 1.1.2 firmware package.
  5. Launch iTunes if it isn’t already open. You may need to restore your iPhone from backup. If you see the message “A new iPhone software version (1.1.3) is available,” click the “Don’t Install” button.
  6. Select your iPhone from the left-hand pane (it may be named “untitled playlist”)
  7. If you’re on a Mac, hold the “Option” key and click the “Update” button (not “Restore”), then select the file iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw you just downloaded.
  8. If you’re on a PC, hold down the “Shift” key and click the “Update” button (not “Restore”), then select the file iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw you just downloaded.
  9. Once the update process is done, you will again see the Error 1015 or 1013 message, and your iPhone will be in recovery mode.
  10. Launch iNdependence (on a Mac) or iBrickr (on a PC) again, and wait for your phone to be kicked out of recovery mode. You will again see an activation screen (a bit different from the previous one).
  11. Quit iNdependence or iBrickr.
  12. Quit iTunes
  13. Open the 1.1.2-jailbreak folder you downloaded earlier in this step on your Mac or PC.
  14. If you’re on a Mac, launch jailbreak.jar inside the 1.1.2-jailbreak folder (make sure you have the latest version of Java installed).
  15. If you’re on a PC, launch windows.bat inside the 1.1.2-jailbreak folder.
  16. Click the “Jailbreak!” button. This process will take a few minutes.
  17. Your iPhone should restart normally and go to the “Slide to Unlock” screen. If it does not, again launch iNdependence (on a Mac) or iBrickr (on a PC) to kick the iPhone out of recovery mode again. It may restart twice, and then should take you back to the “Slide to Unlock” screen.

Step 8: Update to jailbroken 1.1.3

[UPDATE: There is now a file available through that automates the below procedure. Try it first, but return to these steps if the automatic method is not successful]

  1. On your iPhone, tap “Settings.” Go to “General,” tap “Auto-Lock” and make sure it is set to “Never.”
  2. Press the home button to go back to the home screen and launch Installer.
  3. Tap the “System” category, then install both “BSD Subsystem” and “OpenSSH”
  4. Press the home button to go back to the home screen.
  5. Tap “Settings” then “WiFi,” then press the small blue arrow next to the the WiFi network to which you are connected. Take note of your iPhone’s IP address.
  6. On your Mac or PC, download the 1.1.3 jailbreak package and expand it (it will be a folder when it’s expanded)

If you’re on a Mac, launch the Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities, then do the following:

  1. Type cd then a space.
  2. Drag the folder “Jailbreak-1.1.3″ you just downloaded onto the Terminal window and press return. Your command should look like this: cd /Users/username/Downloads/Jailbreak-1.1.3
  3. Press return
  4. Type scp -r ./* root@YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS:/ (where YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS is your iPhone’s IP address)
  5. You should now have a command that looks like this: scp -r ./* root@
  6. When asked if you are sure you want to continue, type yes and press return again.
  7. When prompted for the password, type alpine and press return. The files will transfer to your iPhone.
  8. Now type ssh root@YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS and press return
  9. When prompted for the password, again enter alpine and press return.
  10. You will now be SSH’d into the iPhone.
  11. Type cd ../../ and press return.
  12. Type sh and press return.
  13. Allow the process to take place (it takes quite a while — up to 15 minutes). When it’s done and your device reboots (it may also take several minutes to boot, and reboot several times), you will have a jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone.

If you’re on a PC, download and launch WinSCP then do the following

  1. Establish a new connection using WinSCP. Enter your iPhone’s IP address for the “Host name” (user: root and password: alpine); use the file protocol SCP.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your iPhone (/) and transfer all of the files in the folder Jailbreak-1.1.3 from your PC to this directory.
  3. Download and install Putty.
  4. In Putty, type ssh root@YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS and press return.
  5. When prompted for the password, again enter alpine and press return.
  6. You will now be SSH’d into the iPhone.
  7. Type cd ../../ and press return.
  8. Type sh and press return.
  9. Allow the process to take place (it takes quite a while — up to 15 minutes). When it’s done and your device reboots (it may also take several minutes to boot, and reboot several times), you will have a jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone.

[If your connection is interrupted or you get another error and your iPhone refuses to boot put your iPhone in recovery mode and start again with step 3. Or, if you want to give up on jailbreaking, put your iPhone in recovery mode and just hit the “Restore” button (without holding shift of option) in iTunes to bring your iPhone back to a normal 1.1.3 state. Make sure to quit iNdependence or iBrickr before doing this.]

Sunday, February 10, 2008


FLEXlm浅谈之一 License文件格式
License文件由注释行,Server行,Demon行,以及Feature行构成, 另外有一个续行符'\'
当一行的开始是'#'符号时,该行被License Manager(lmgr32xx)认为是注释行,有时候
SERVER nodename id port-number
| | | |
| | | |___TCP端口号,如 1700
| | |
| | |___主机的ID号,Win95/98/NT平台下通常是网卡物理地址
| |
| |___主机的名称,win95/98/NT下可以用ipconfig命令看到
SERVER hostname 000012345678 TCP:1700

或者说是用来标识不同的软件商吧, 其常见格式是:
DAEMON daemon_name daemon_path
| | |
| | |___daemon的路径
| |
| |_______daemon的名字
DAEMON cdslmd c:\cdslic\bin\cdslmd.exe
| |
| |___Cadence License Daemon的路径
|___Daemon的名字为cdslmd (Cadence License Manager Daemon 的简称)

FEATURE name vendor version expiration_date n Key "Vendor_String" hostID
| | | | | | | | |
| | | |_版本号 | | | | |__主机ID
| | | |_过期时间 | | | 可省略
| | |_厂商标识 | | |
| | | | |___厂商定义的字符串
| |__Feature名称 许可的终端用户个数| |
| (同时使用) <- |__20个字节的密码
FEATURE CADV_256SUPUC_ALL cdslmd 8.000 1-jan-0 9 2884F271C1E6E3A81DB8 "J"
| | | | | | |_Vendor
| | | | | | String
| | | | |_允许9个终端用户 |_密码
| | | |
| | | |_0年1月1日过期,0年表示永久有效
| | |
|_Feature名称 | |_版本8.0
|_Cadence License Manager Daemon
一行太长需要续行的时候, 在行末尾用'\'符号表示续行,如上面的Feature又可以写为:
FEATURE CADV_256SUPUC_ALL cdslmd 8.000 1-jan-0 9 \
2884F271C1E6E3A81DB8 "J"
字符串与串之间可以用空格或者TAB隔开, Lmgr不理睬多余的空格和TAB.
FLEXlm浅谈之二 设置环境变量

一般说来,License Manager需要一个环境变量才能找到License文件.(有的软件不需
通常环境变量名称是LM_LICENSE_FILE, 大小写无关, Win95/98下的设置方法是在
autoexec.bat中加入一行: (不包括下面那些说明)
SET LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\mylicense.dat
| |
| |_环境变量路径: 该例是License文件的名称及路径
SET LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\license1.dat;d:\flexlm\license2.dat
应用软件的License Manager会自动遍历环境变量指定的所有License文件, 查找它所需
要的Feature, 不同License文件路径的先后次序无关, 只有WorkviewOffice7.5比较特殊,
SET LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\WVO75\license.dat;c:\flexlm\mylicense.dat
除了LM_LICENSE_FILE这个环境变量名称外, 有些软件还使用自己特定的环境变量
名称. 安装软件的时候, 安装程序会一般会自动添加这些环境变量. 如Specctra8.0使
SET CDS_LIC_FILE=c:\cdsLic\license.dat
MentorGraphicsRenoir以及ModelSimEE如果安装的时候选择Mentor Graphics License
Manager, 软件会使用MGLS_LICENSE_FILE环境变量:
SET MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\license.dat
如果License是由Server提供的, 那么环境变量的路径应该给出Server的名称以及端口,
而非License文件的路径以及名称, 如:
|__让License Manager去的1700端口获取License
WinNT下设置环境变量需要在控制面板里面添加, 格式相同.
FLEXlm浅谈之三 - License文件使用技巧

这次想解决的问题是 -- License文件多了怎么办?
不知道为什么FLEXlm很流行, 机器里面装得EDA软件多了, 会有若干个License.dat.
由于环境变量只是告诉Lmgr(License manager)从哪儿找它所需要的License文件, 所以:
第一个解决办法是可以将License.dat换个名字,如pwpcb.Lic, cct80.Lic等等,
SET LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\pwpcb.Lic;c:\flexlm\cct80.Lic
还可以这么做: ---- 不推荐使用
只设置一个环境变量设置: SET LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\license.dat
然后把所有的License文件都copy到flexlm目录下, 为了便于区分, 取比较容易记的名字,
例如PowerPCB2.1.Lic, ModelSimEE5.2e.Lic, Specctra8.0.Lic,等等,
需要用哪个软件的时候, 把相应的License文件copy一份然后改名为license.dat即可.
Copy, Rename, Copy, Rename...太麻烦了:(, 于是采用第二种解决办法--合并License.
(注:仅用于没有Server Line的License文件,且软件用的环境变量名为LM_LICENSE_FILE)
前面简单介绍过License文件的格式, License文件的内容不再是陌生的了,可以用文
注释部分可以任意修改,其它内容最好保持原样, 然后只设置一个环境变量:
SET LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\license.dat
FLEXlm浅谈之四 - FLEXlm Server

推测FLEXlm这个名字应该是Flexible License Manager的简写.
FLEXlm Server方式的License应该如下设置:
License.dat文件放在主机中, 主机运行Server提供License服务, 客户端的环境变量
其中端口和主机名称应该和主机的License文件中的Server Line一致, 前面已经简单介绍
过, 这里便不再赘述.
启动Server的方式有两种, 一是DOS命令行方式, 二是Windoz的窗口方式
1. DOS 方式
1. DOS 方式
在c:\flexlm目录下可以找到一个Lmgrd.exe文件---License Manager Daemon, 这个
Daemon是FLEXlm Server.
启动 license server,可在 c:\flexlm 目录下执行:
c:\flexlm\lmgrd -app -c
关闭 license server,可在 c:\flexlm 目录下执行:
c:\flexlm\lmutil lmdown
lmutil.exe是License Manager Utility.
2. Windoz的窗口方式
安装某些软件的时候, 会有一个安装License Server的选项, 选中它安装完成后会在
控制面板中发现一个FLEXlm License Manager的小工具. 在FLEXlm License Manager
Setup的TAB里可以选择Daemon, License文件,以及输出的日志文件; Control的TAB中
可以启动/关闭Server以及查看Server状态, 另外几个TAB还提供了一些其它辅助功能.
Windoz下的这个Flexlm License Manager要比命令行方式的方便一些, 至少它可以
浏览以选取Daemon/License文件, 不过有时候发现控制面板里面找不到. 事实上它是
一个控制面板的扩展应用程序, 如在PowerPCB目录下可以找到Flexlm.cpl这个文件,

FLEXlm是应用广泛的License管理工具,它以使软件License能够在网上浮动而出名。浮动的License有利于软件的使用和对 License的管理,这使得用户能够高效地使用有效的许可,并使管理者能够控制允许使用它的节点。由于有大约1500厂商使用FLEXlm管理 License,所以CAD系统管理人员极有可能要同时安装和管理来自不同厂商的License或同一厂商多个产品的License文件。可采取以下方法 避免产生冲突:
  1. License文件的设定
  图1 SERVER语名行
  2. 服务方式的选择
  (1) 一个服务器运行一个Lmgrd 和多个License文件 如果多个License文件具有相同的hostID,则可以通过修改hostname进行合并。合并时,首先将多个 License文件加到一个文件中,然后修改SERVER行,并且只保留一个SERVER行。对于Windows NT操作系统,应在各License的默认存放位置保存一个合并后的备份,这样每个软件将在其默认位置找到License信息,从而避免了对 LM_LICENSE_FILE的设定;对于UNIX操作系统,可以建立一个默认位置到License存放位置的Link。合并后的License文件, 就可以使用同一个Lmgrd。
  (2)一个服务器运行一个Lmgrd和一个License文件 如果HostID不一样,则这些License服务只能运行于不同的服务器节点上,并且License不能合并。可以选择使用一个服务器运行一个Lmgrd和License文件。
  (3)一个服务器运行多个Lmgrd和License文件 如果多个License未进行合并,可以通过在同一台机器上启动多个Lmgrd,每个Lmgrd管理一个License文件。使用多个Lmgrd管理多个License文件对服务器的性能并没有明显影响。
  如果License是由不同版本的FLEXlm产生的,一般是新版本可以管理旧版本的License文件。所以应使用最新的Lmgrd和Vendor daemon。另外,当用一个服务器的多个Lmgrd管理多个License文件时,应该注意任何二个License文件的post都不能一样,并且对于 每个License而言,应选用合适的Lmgrd。
  二、 客户端设定
  当使用客户端应用程序时(a Licensed application),可以通过在系统的环境变量中设定LM_LICENSE_FILE,使Application能够指向不同服务器上的License文件。
  如果要使a Licensed application使用不同服务器的License(每一个License服务器都有单独的一个License文件),客户端应将需要用到的License文件拷贝到本机目录下,并指定LM_LICENSE_FILE环境变量。
  UNIX:  % setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE lfpath1 : lfpath2:.... : lfpathN
  Windows: lfpath1 ;lfpath2:.... ;lfpathN
  这样,每个Licensed application在启动时将依次查询LM_LICENSE_FILE中所指定的License文件,并向相应的License服务器申请许可,以便 用户能从所列的服务器得到许可。LM_LICENSE_FILE也可以使用各License文件中所指定的“post@hostname”。下面以 Windows NT为例介绍多个FLEXlm的安装。
  三、同一机器上多个FLEXlm License Server的安装
  (2)在C盘建C:\FLEXlm 目录,并拷贝相关文件到其下;
  (3)在C:\FLEXlm下建立欲安装License Server的软件目录,放置各软件的License文件, Daemon和Daemon所需的动态连接库;
  (4)修改License.dat的SERVER行和DAEMON的位置,并启动FLEXlm License Manager,界面如图2所示;
  图2 FLEXlm License Manager界面
  (5)在Setup修改Service Name,输入适当名称,以区别是何种License服务;利用Browse选择合适Lmgrd.exe和对应的License.dat并指定 Debug.log的放置路径;
  (6)选中“StartServer at Power-Up”与“Use NT Services”,这样下次启动机器时,将自动启动该License服务;
  (7)点击Control按钮检查Service Name是否与设定名称相同,如果不同,回到“Setup”重新选择Service Name;如果一样,点击“Start”启动该License Server;点击“Status”检查License Server启动情况,若出现Server_name: License server UP (MASTER),表示 License Server 启动成功;
  (8)安装另外的License Server:可依上述⑶~⑺重新执行一次即可;
  (9)切换不同License Server:在“Setup”中选择适当的“Service Name”,然后启动或停止相应的License服务;
  (10)移除License Server:在“Setup”选择适当的“Service Name”,然后按“Remove”即可。

Verdi/Debussy Crack

(gdb) break snsCheckOut
Breakpoint 1 at 0xafc80bc
(gdb) disassemble 0xafc80bc
Dump of assembler code for function snsCheckOut:
0x0afc80bc : ? ? push ? %ebp
0x0afc80be : ? ? mov ? ?%esp,%ebp
0x0afc80bf : ? ? push ? %edi
0x0afc80c0 : ? ? push ? %esi
0x0afc80c1 : ? ? push ? %ebx
0x0afc80c2 : ? ? sub ? ?$0x342c,%esp
0x0afc80c8 : ? ?call ? 0xafc80cd
0x0afc80cd : ? ?pop ? ?%ebx
0x0afc80ce : ? ?add ? ?$0x1722953,%ebx
0x0afc80d4 : ? ?mov ? ?0x34(%ebp),%esi
0x0afc80d7 : ? ?mov ? ?0x18(%ebp),%al
0x0afc80da : ? ?mov ? ?%al,0xffffcbd3(%ebp)

55 89 e5 57 56 53 81 ec 2c 34 00 00
31 c0 c3 57 56 53 81 ec 2c 34 00 00
替换时0x342c 变成2c 34
(gdb) break snsCheckOut
Breakpoint 1 at 0xafc80bc
(gdb) disassemble 0xafc80bc
Dump of assembler code for function snsCheckOut:
0x0afc80bc : ? ? xor ? ?%eax,%eax

0x0afc80be : ? ? ret
0x0afc80bf : ? ? push ? %edi
0x0afc80c0 : ? ? push ? %esi
0x0afc80c1 : ? ? push ? %ebx
0x0afc80c2 : ? ? sub ? ?$0x342c,%esp


UNIX 系列的hostid 与 MAC 无关,是写在 eeprom 里的一个硬件标识,一般作为软件安全锁。常用的还有MAC,CPUID, HDD ID 等,一般是不可以改的或不易改的。

以blade150+solaris8为例,原始HOSTID为:83188869,Ethernet address:0:3:ba:18:88:69;拟改为80cf7afe。
Step1: Stop+a 【进入OK状态】
Step2: OK show-devs 【按空格键找到包含eeprom的全路径名】
Step3: OK cd /pci@1f,0/ebus@c/eeprom@1,0
step4:OK .properties 【有些版本可能为.attributes】
step5: OK fff58000 >;physical
step6: OK showstack
step7: OK 2000 memmap
step8: OK 1fd0+
step9: OK 30 dump

字节 地址 内容
0 fff55fd8 总为 01 - format/version number
1 fff55fd9 hostid的第一个字节【机器类型】
2-7 fff55fda~f ethernet address
8-b fff55fe0~3 生产日期,通常为0,不一定是真实日期
c fff55fe4 hostid的第二字节
d fff55fe5 hostid的第三字节
e fff55fe6 hostid的第四字节
f fff55fe7 IDPROM checksum - bitwise xor of bytes 0-e

Step10: OK 80 fff55fd9 c!
step11: OK cf fff55fe4 c!
step12: OK 7a fff55fe5 c!
step13: OK fe fff55fe6 c!
step14: OK 01 80 xor
step15: OK 00 xor
step16: OK 03 xor
next: OK fe xor
OK f6
next: OK f6 fff55fe7 c!
next: OK banner
上面的示例没有修改Ethernet address,用户也可以根据需要修改,修改对应字节即可。

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